Renew your membership for 2025 and help keep our creative community vibrant and
Members benefit through opportunities to exhibit and sell artworks, attend workshops with experienced artists, collaborate with other artists, join painting groups and contribute to building a diverse creative community in the Shoalhaven.
Having trouble with the online form? No worries, you can download the paper form and transfer payment using bank transfer.
Adult Membership form 2025 (pdf)
DownloadCurrently we two major exhibitions a year - one in November and an Art Sale at Easter. We are exploring other opportunities for exhibiting and will let members know as opportunities arise.
We aim to hold a workshop approximately every 6 weeks and are always open to suggestions from our members for what they would like to learn.
Our newsletter is sent by email each month with updates on whats on. If you have an item you'd like to include please send it to
Come along to Plein Air painting and try your skills at painting outdoors. Lots of fun and a really nice group of painting buddies to hang out with.
Membership is due on 1st January each year.
The current membership fee is $40 for Adults and $10 for Junior Membership (under 18)